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Madeleine Forbes

Hi, I'm Madeleine. Writer, farmer, festival-convener, wild swimmer, mother, mess-maker, walker, cook... amongst other things.

I'm interested in things like system change; regenerative agriculture; building and strengthening communities; storytelling; creativity; leading through complex times; seasonal living.

You can sign up for highly sporadic updates on my adventures, by entering your email in the box.

If you're interested in hiring me to work on a project, have a book recommendation, or just want to send me a poem or say hi, email me at

Recent Posts

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Why I stopped writing

Fairly often, people I know ask me if I'm still writing. I tend to deflect the question for the most part. Depending on who I'm talking to, and how robust I'm feeling, I might laugh it off - oh, family life killed my creative

Why I stopped writing
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Crisis and chaos

On the walk down to the river, I tread slowly on the powdery red dirt of the path. In the scrub on the side of the track the oak leaves are already turning crisp and brown. Too early. It's a stress response to the ongoing drought. I'

Crisis and chaos
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Feeding the soil

We're baking this week. Or rather, we are being baked. The online weather oracles I'm consulting with fevered devotion tell me the temperatures will tip 40°C today (that's 104°F).   It's properly hot. This kind of summer feels more akin to

Feeding the soil